Can Stevia reduce inflammation in COVID-19 cases?

A new study into the effects of steviol glycosides on COVID-19 has revealed that a regular dose of stevia may help to boost the immune systems of the medically vulnerable in case of contracting the virus

A study from the Laboratory of Functional Biology in Leuven, Belgium has found that a regular dose of stevia extracts (or dried leaves) may help to reduce many of the inflammatory risks associated with COVID-19 – especially amongst those in at-risk groups, such as the obese and those with heart disease.

Dr. Jan Geuns, a well-established stevia researcher with a long history of stevia-related research, has established a potential link between regular doses of steviol glycosides (an active ingredient found in stevia leaves and extracts), according to new research published in the Archives of Food Science and Nutrition Research.

High ROS scavenging – associated with increased blood oxygenation, which is critical for COVID-19 sufferers, especially those who may be overweight or have respiratory issues – was demonstrated to make a meaningful difference to the bodies of those struggling to fight COVID-19 infection. By oxygenating the blood more efficiently, a dose of stevia may help to relieve the pressure on organs that often leads to poor health outcomes in COVID-19 sufferers. Stevia leaves naturally contain a number of high ROS ingredients.

Critically, the presence of Selenium in stevia leaves and extracts plays a critical role in ensuring that the blood and vital organs remain well oxygenated, according to emerging research in Wuhan, the ground zero for the pandemic. By ensuring a good intake of selenium, which can be found in stevia, alongside a host of other beneficial nutrients, COVID-19 sufferers can reduce the likelihood of adverse consequences.

The study identifies an at-risk group – those with a BMI of above 30, and those with hypertension, cardiovascular disease and lung diseases. This group is statistically much more at risk of negative outcomes when suffering from COVID-19, as they have a natural deficiency in Vitamin C, GSH and enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants. Dr. Geuns hopes that treatment using steviol glycosides will help to alleviate this increased risk.

Other recent studies have also demonstrated the effectiveness of steviol glyocides against Lyme disease. With researchers from the United States, China and the United Kingdom also suggesting that COVID-19 has made traditional influenza more virulent in nature, it will become increasingly necessary for medicine to find a way to contain respiratory illnesses in the near future.

High-purity stevia extracts may also prove to be as beneficial as whole leaves, as a purity of >95% has proved sufficient to yield the same benefits as unrefined leaves – meaning that products produced with quality stevia extracts may provide protection against COVID-19 as well.